20 Canadian Dollars, Series of 1969-1979

Image of the face

Image of the back

Issuing authority: Bank of Canada
In circulation since: 1979

White paper has green luminescent security planchettes

Dimensions: 152mm × 70mm

Moraine lake in the province of Alberta


Portrait of Queen Elisabeth II

Offset printing: face: color background grids over the entire banknote surface with a rainbow effect. Coat-of-arms, color ornament inside a peripheral frame in the left part of the back side for the first type of $1, $2, $10. For $5 of 1972, $20 of 1969, $50 and 100 - a background grid and two-color rosettes, ornaments, or guilloche patterns (for $50 - also horsemen and a meadow, wide red and blue curves in the left and right part of the banknote). For the second type of $1, $2, $10. For $5 and $20 of 1979 - all images (except for the two 11-digit serial numbers for $5 and $20 of 1979).

Letterpress printing: face: two red and blue serial numbers (except for $5 and $20 of 1979). back: two black 11-digit serial numbers on $5 and $20 of 1979).