100 Canadian Dollars, Series of 1969-1979

Image of the face

Image of the back

Issuing authority: Bank of Canada
Year on the banknote: 1975
In circulation since: 1976

White paper has green luminescent security planchettes

Dimensions: 152mm × 70mm

Portrait of Sir R. Borden


Port Lunenburg

Intaglio: face: portrait and shadow frame around it. All texts, face value numerals, horizontal guilloche line with the name of the bank in English and French in the top part of the banknote. Wide strip with slanted lines froming four lines of text; horizontal guilloche frame below the strip in the lower part of the banknote. In the corners - guilloche rosettes with face value numerals. Printing plate number in the left part of the banknote above the guilloche line. Guilloche ornamental frame along the periphery of the banknote. Signatures of the officials. back: first type of the $1, $2, $10 banknotes. For $5 of 1972, $20 of 1969, $50 and 100 - a landscape (except for $50). All texts and numerals. Horizontal guilloche lines in the top and bottom part of the banknote. Single-color rosettes and guilloche fragments of the frame in the left and right parts of the banknote.

Offset printing: face: color background grids over the entire banknote surface with a rainbow effect. Coat-of-arms, color ornament inside a peripheral frame in the left part of the back side for the first type of $1, $2, $10. For $5 of 1972, $20 of 1969, $50 and 100 - a background grid and two-color rosettes, ornaments, or guilloche patterns (for $50 - also horsemen and a meadow, wide red and blue curves in the left and right part of the banknote). For the second type of $1, $2, $10. For $5 and $20 of 1979 - all images (except for the two 11-digit serial numbers for $5 and $20 of 1979).

Letterpress printing: face: two red and blue serial numbers (except for $5 and $20 of 1979). back: two black 11-digit serial numbers on $5 and $20 of 1979).